I have always been competitive, I play to win! The systems I have developed are ruthless when it comes to making money as those of you who have purchased from and worked with me before will know! You however don’t have to be ruthless or even know anything about betting at all to be a winner. JUST COPY ME! I make money, you will too if you follow my methods! If you’re serious about making money from a few minutes effort a day then read on.
Those of you who have used my other Guaranteed System in the past already know that my methods work 100% I’ve trained and coached many people who have Never Failed to make a profit from the advice I have provided.
I have been asked on many occasions to write an easy to follow ebook on how to make long term profits so here it is. I have developed and used a number of profitable systems over the years but I have always had one absolute favourite method that I starting developing over 6 years ago now. It is my all time number one favourite ....... Here is why:
If I was forced to use only one system this would be it!
Now when I say easy trust me I mean easy, especially when I’m only an email away should you have any questions or need help. Again those of you who know me realise how valuable this is! Not that I think you will need much help as the concept is quite easy to understand and put into action one you have "got it".
How many times have you heard someone say that there's no money to be made at sports betting, it’s a “mugs game” and the punter always loses?
The vast majority of people in general believe this.
Well I’m here to tell you that simply is not true! Anyone telling you that you can’t make a long term profit has either tried and failed in the past or will know someone who has!
Yes its true about 98% of normal punters do lose money. That’s only because they don’t use a proven method, do little or no research before placing a bet or worse still just bet on a hunch! They are the customers the bookmakers love as they of course provide the vast profits that bookmakers make every year. That leaves 2% that are long term winners. They are not “lucky” they all have one thing in common: They use a proven strategy, they find something that works and stick to it! Bookmakers are well aware of this fact and tolerate the 2% of winners as of course they hardly make a dent in the bookies profits they derive from the 98% of consistent losers!
The truth is you can make INCREDIBLE MONEY at sports betting. You just need to know how.
Welcome to the 2% Club!
Imagine discovering what I know about making money from sports betting in this e-book…
You’ll be able to absorb all the information in an hour or two and start making money.
Oh and remember I am only an email away if you need help or have a question!
You can effectively get this valuable ebook for FREE as I will also show you how to make your money back GUARANTEED with a couple of easy steps! You should know by now when I say GUARANTEED I mean you WILL make your money back right away if you follow my advice. I like to offer value for money and it doesn't come much better than Free!
Don't just take my word for it though.... I recently had a number of people test it out and below are some of their genuine screen shots and comments to show you its the REAL DEAL

Hi Rich,
Thanks for letting me trial your new method. Here is the screenshot of how I got on as you requested.
As you should know by now I am the biggest sceptic around so as you can see I only deposited £65 to start
That quickly turned into over £200 with zero risk which I withdrew just to make sure it was real (told you I was a sceptic LOL) As you can see I am now using a £500 bank and have made a profit of over £250 with no risk and not much effort to be honest in the last 2 days
I'm happy to report I'm finally convinced that something out there actually works!
Best Wishes
Here are the Results & Comments from someone with ZERO previous betting experience!
Hi Richard,
Well what can I say except Thanks!
Having tried lots of different ways over the years to try and make some money online its refreshing to actually find something that works! As you know I tested it out on paper first before using any real money but I know in the first day that this is what I had been searching for.
I have never really been interested in this kind of avenue before but as I say I saw the profit potential right away with this so deposited £1,000 to use.
I made a profit of over A GRAND in the testing period which came in handy to pay off some bills. Unfortunately I then had to take out my initial £1,000 as well to cover some unexpected car repairs.
I know you said that it is really designed to be used everyday and this will sound a bit silly but I have been very busy with other things this month.
Rest assured though that from next month when I have more money & time available I will be fully commited to using your great system everyday!
Thanks Again!
And One More .....................
Hi Richard,
Thanks for letting me trial this new method. Having worked on your original risk free betting method with great success I was of course eager to try this one out as well
Attached is my screen shot as agreed. As you can see I started with a grand which I of course still have and have been withdrawing a steady (Tax Free!) income from this
Thanks for all your support and I look forward to a very profitable future!
All the best!
Impressive stuff I'm sure you'll agree! Now at this stage then let's tackle the number one FAQ
How much can you make?
It depends on how much you want to make. You can decide that for yourself. Start off small if you like and reinvest your winnings. The ultra hard to convince could even “paper trade” for a while just to confirm it works. However upon reading the ebook I don’t think there will be too many of those!
Here is whats included:
Sorry to sound like a broken record but remember it is more than just an e-book.
You also get personal support directly from me anytime via email.
I'm always here to help and answer your questions.
Ok, How much is all this information and of course my full support worth?
I’m not going to beat around the bush or insult your intelligence by saying “hurry & order now as the price will be going up at Midnight tonight” etc…
The price for the ebook and my full support is just £49
However like I said it will be effectively FREE as I will also show you EXACTLY how to make the cost of the ebook back (and much more) RIGHT AWAY.........GUARANTEED!
Hows that for a deal?
NOBODY else is doing this on the market, You will not get this amazing strategy, full support and daily information emails anywhere else!. NOBODY else will make you this offer.
It's so easy to do, even a complete novice can do it. Here's how it works:
That's it!
You can either use your own selections (when you feel you are confident and experienced enough!) or you can place the same bets as me! So, when I WIN you WIN!
And really, you have nothing to lose because...
You Get My 100% 60 Day Money Back Guarantee!
Buy the e-book. Read it and follow the strategy. Put my proven system to the test. If you fail to make a profit in the next 60 days, simply let me know and I will give you your MONEY BACK right on the spot, no questions asked! Oh and you will have already got your money back anyway with the few simple steps I will show you remember. So in reality this is a DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
If you don't make money I don't want your money… and I'll immediately give you your money back in exchange for the trust you showed in me.
All I ask is that you show me you tried the system and followed my advice, and I'll refund your money immediately. I can't be any fairer than that.
No hidden clauses, no conditions - It's as simple as that.
Therefore your purchase is absolutely RISK-FREE!
Start Right Now!
Simply click the button below to pay and get this "Never Before Offered" eBook, unlimited email support, my own personal daily selections and of course I will also show you how to get your money back right away! You won't find a deal better than this! That's how much I believe in my methods!
To your success,
P.S. Don't worry about if you will be able to fit this in around your busy schedule or if you work odds hours. The beauty of this method is it only takes a few minutes a day to set up and it can be done hours in advance and even the night before if you like making it perfect for everyone!
P.P.S. Remember this ebook and my valuable time is FREE as I will show you how to recoup the cost of the ebook right away!
P.P.P.S. You will be amazed at how simple and easy it is to use this method.
You’ll start making money almost immediately by following this proven step-by-step guide. Upon payment the ebook will be emailed to your paypal address normally within 30 minutes during business hours or 12 hours maximum.
Important Info for USA residents
DO NOT buy this if you reside in the USA. You WILL NOT be able to legally use it. Sorry guys but, in the 'land of the free', it is actually illegal for you to place bets online or even by telephone. This is governed by the "Wire Wager Act".
Consequently, almost all REPUTABLE online betting sites will not accept accounts from anyone wishing to bet from within USA territory.Clearly it would be very difficult for you to successfully use this method in the USA.
For that reason I can't recommend this product to you Sorry!
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